Collective Worship
Worship forms an important part of our school day at Millbrook Park.
Worship can take these three forms:
- praise (singing)
- prayer (quiet time in reflection)
- thought (a talk based on a current theme)
We start our week with assemblies for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, using the The Big Think PSHE scheme, which bases itself around values that link closely to ours. The children then follow up the messages from the assemblies in their own classroom sessions.
On a Tuesday we have a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assembly from Reverend Jo, where she links in biblical stories and reflections with the values that link to those we celebrate at MBPS.
On a Wednesday we have Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 singing assemblies, using ‘Out of the Ark’ singing package.
Thursday is our Star Award assembly, where one child from each class is selected for having demonstrated one of our MBPS values. They are celebrated on the day and then the following week they join the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for juice and biscuits.
On a Friday we use the Christian version of Picture News in our classrooms, to enable the children to think about the wider issues in the world.
Our School Prayer