At Millbrook Park our School Governors are, for academy purposes, referred to as Local Area Committee members, or the LAC.
The Local Academy Committee (LAC) consists of 9 formal members, though it can also have a maximum of two additional co-opted members.
They are appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust (LAT), who also appoints the Chair. The Head Teacher is always a member of the LAC. The Head Teacher will attend all meetings. Two members of the LAC will be elected by the parents and one member will be elected by the staff of the school. As we are a Church of England school, one place is allocated to the Vicar of St Paul's Mill Hill and, because the school also falls within the parish of St Mary's Hendon one place is allocated to a parish committee member from Hendon.
Governors, are checked for suitability by the LAC to ensure that each appointed member will bring skills and qualities which are complementary and to ensure that the school has the right people, with the right skills to lead the school forward and are then appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust through the Trust Directors. In special circumstances the school can co-opt a committee member for one year.
For information about the LAT and further explanation about the LAC please go to the LAT website
Name |
Category of Governor |
Additional Information |
Term of Office |
Business Interests & Any known relationships with other governors |
Helen Foster |
Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust |
1/09/21 to 4/5/2024 |
Vacancy |
Roger Billing |
Headteacher |
Head Teacher |
ex officio - January 2023 |
Jo James | Parish Priest, Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust | For the duration of employment as Parish Priest | Governor at St Paul's CE Primary School | |
Jana Martiskova | Staff Governor - Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust |
Office Manager |
24/01/2024 to 23/01/2028 | |
Elizabeth Sykes | Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust (Parish Committee member representing St Mary’s Hendon) |
05/07/24 to 04/07/28 |
Ivy Wanjiku Dakouri | Elected Parent Governor, Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust |
Vice Chair of Local Academy Committee |
27/04/21 to 26/04/25 | |
Emily Weaver |
Appointed by the LDBS Academies Trust |
02/11/2022 to 01/11/2026 |
Katie Hart |
Elected Parent Governor, Pending appointment by the LDBS Academies Trust |
14/02/2022 to 13/12/2026 |
Details are below regarding the process of parent governor elections. Parents are informed of pending elections through school news letters and a letter from the Chair of Governors.