Millbrook Park CE Primary School

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OFSTED and SIAMs Inspections

As a church school, Millbrook Park is subject to 2 types of inspection:

Both types of inspection grade schools in the same way with outstanding being the highest grading available.

Millbrook Park was inspected under the Section 48 SIAMS inspection framework on March 23rd 2017 and we are pleased to announce that the school was judged as outstanding.

The full report can be accessed on the link below:

SIAMS Report The school was OFSTED inspected on November 16th - 16th 2022 and was judged to be good.  The full report can be accessed from the link below:


The LDBS Academies Trust

LAT was created in 2012 with five schools spread across the London Borough of Haringey. Our mission is to establish, maintain, carry on, manage and develop Church of England Schools across the Diocese of London. Our aim is that every child should have the opportunity to flourish and develop into a rounded adult who can live life to the full.

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